5 Rules to Reduce Road Deaths

As a driver, a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorcyclist the only safe choice is to treat the road as if your life and other lives depend on it – because they do.

Follow these 5 rules every time you use the road and you will significantly reduce the risk that you will cause someone’s death.

1. SLOW DOWN! Remember – You Can Never Control the Consequences if You Speed!

2. Never Ever Drink And Drive!

3. Always pay attention and stay alert – One Lapse Can Last a Lifetime!

4. Always wear your seatbelt, front and rear – No Seatbelt, No Excuse!

5. Follow the rules of The Highway Code for Northern Ireland every time you use the road. The Highway Code could keep you out of prison and save you from killing others or being killed whether you are a driver, a motorcyclist, a pedestrian or any other type of road user. Download The Highway Code FREE today.

Share this with all your friends and family whether they are drivers, pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists because EVERY road death is one too many.


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