GO SAFE: It’s the best gift you can give this Christmas

GO SAFE: It’s the best gift you can give this Christmas.

December is a killer month on our roads.

Meeting up with friends and family and people rushing around...Christmas shopping means more traffic, more pedestrians and more risk of crashes.

So make sure you:

1. Never EVER drink and drive
If you want to have a drink this Christmas, enjoy yourself but remember, ANY alcohol increases your risk of crashing.

2. Pay attention or pay the price
When driving always concentrate. If you’re not focused on your driving – you’re not a driver, you’re a passenger in a moving vehicle. Watch out for people with whom you share the road, people who walk or cycle and children are all more vulnerable on our roads. And at this time of the year, look out for people walking who may step off the pavement unexpectedly or those who may have been drinking alcohol.

3. You can never control the consequences if you speed
Slow down, don't get caught up in the Christmas rush. Speeding is shameful. It’s a fact that speed is the biggest single killer on Northern Ireland’s road.

4. Respect everyone’s journey
When walking, always be careful and be aware of traffic, especially when crossing the road. When planning your night out, plan your way home too. Book a taxi in advance, agree a reliable designated driver, use public transport if suitable, or arrange for someone to pick you up.

5. Always wear your seatbelt
Not wearing a seatbelt is totally selfish – in a crash you could kill or seriously injure the other people with you in the vehicle as well as yourself. Insist that everyone in the car always wears their seatbelt, front and rear.
No seatbelt, no excuse. Remember, without a seatbelt it only takes one trip to kill!


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We all share the road. We all share the responsibility.


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